Reiki Level II Course: Advanced Healing


While the Reiki Level I Course attunes the physical body to become a channel for life force energy, the Reiki Level II Course raises the vibration on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, etheric, and spiritual.

  • Generates a quantum leap in intuitive awareness.

  • Gives a powerful boost to the development of third-eye energy.

  • Creates a clear and conscious connection to the higher self.

  • Evolves being to a higher and more receptive level of channeling energy

  • Empowers you to channel Reiki Symbols & Distance Healing  Supports you in bringing Healing to self and others

  • Prepares you to start a Professional Reiki Practice if you choose to

  • Receive a Reiki Level II Certificate upon completing the course.

Join the Course


Q. I've never experienced Reiki or Energy Healing. Am I ready for Reiki Level One training?

A. This comprehensive training is an introduction to energy healing and the Art of Reiki. You will learn how to sense subtle energy and how to be a channel for Reiki. No experience is necessary. You're welcome to book a free 15-minute consultation to discuss whether this healing art resonates with you.

Q. I'm religious and interested in attending Reiki training. Will Reiki interfere with my personal faith?

A. You can practice any religion (or none) and still use and benefit from Reiki. Reiki is nondenominational and isn’t associated with any religion. People of all faiths and beliefs are Reiki practitioners.

Q. What is unique about this Reiki training?

This Reiki training is unique because it combines the traditional Japanese Usui Lineage with Shakti (Sacred Feminine) Empowerment.  This is more than a 1-day training. Ongoing support is provided by the Reiki Master Teacher.  With a community-centered approach, participants will have peer support and ample opportunities to practice.

Q. Can I charge clients with a Reiki Level I Certification?

A.  With a Reiki Level 1 Certification, the emphasis is Self-Healing  and practicing on plants, pets, food, spaces, animals, and family. If you decide to move on to Level 2, you can then build your practice and charge clients.

Q. When will Reiki Level 2 follow Reiki Level 1?

A. Upon 2-3 months of completing Level 1, you will have the opportunity to move on to Level 2. This gives participants enough time to focus on Self-Healing, cleansing, and energy purification before moving on to Level 2.

Q. How does one become a channel for the Reiki healing energy?

A. During the training, you will receive a Reiki Attunement, which is passed from a qualified Master to Student. This initiation is key to becoming a channel for the Universal Healing Energy of Reiki. In addition, you will learn about Reiki Lineages, Reiki History, Auras, Chakras, Energetic Boundaries, Cleansing Practices, and Meditation practices.

Q. What to expect from a Reiki Attunement?

A. Attunement experiences vary from person to person. Some feel deep peace, calm, warmth, emotional release, physical release, clearing of energetic stagnation. Some have revelatory insights, messages, and spiritual transformation. Everyone will receive exactly what they need to receive.